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PPGFQM  faculty and students are distributed in four units: two in the Center for Health Sciences (Centro de Ciências da Saúde - CCS), namely: i. Institute of Biomedical Sciences and ii. Institute of Research on Natural Products; and other two in Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fundação Oswaldo Cruz - FIOCRUZ). PPGFQM faculty coordinates each research lab using the best of their infrastructure to develop the student’s thesis and dissertation research projects under ideal conditions. PPGFQM has multipurpose units with medium and large sized lab equipment that allows transversal projects to be conducted.


The following is a list of PPGFQM medium or large sized lab equipments:


- "Patch-clamp" and "voltage-clamp" amplifiers for electrophysiology

- Isolated organ amplifiers, transducers and baths

- Flash EA 1112 CHN Analyzer Series – Thermo

- FEMTO UV 800XI Spectrophotometer

- Shimadzu DSC-60  

- SpectraMax M5 – Molecular Devices 

- Infrared Smart ITR Thermo Scientific 

- Shimadzu Prominence HPLC UV

- Peak Scientific NM32LA Nitrogen Generator (Bruker’s Mass)

- Shimadzu Prominence HPLC UV/Fluorescence Detector

- Milli Gehaka Master All 

- AutoLab - Flexible System with PC automation for Jacketed Reactor from 100mL to 5L

- NOVA Instruments Water Bath

- Novatecnica-Biovera Dubnoff NT232 Bath

- Biotage FLASH Isolera One ISO-1SW Chromatography Instrument

- Differential Scanning Calorimetry (Shimadzu; TA-60WS)

- HITACHI CR21GII Centrifuge

- Centrivap Centrifugal Concentrator connected to Centrivap Cold Trap and Lab Vacuum Pump (Labconco)

- Beckman Scintillation

- Merk Muse Cell Analyzer (Flow Cytometry)

- Accuri Flow Cytometer

- BD Bioscience Accuri C6 Flow Cytometer

- Centrivap Vacuum Concentrator, Cold Trap and Lab Vacuum Pump (Labconco)

- Tri Carb 2810 TR Liquid Scintillation Counter

- Automated Cell Counter (Invitrogen- Countess II FL, by Termo Fisher Scientific)

- SHIMADZU High Performance Liquid Chromatography Equipment with Fluorescence Detection

- Biotage Isolera One Medium Slope Chromatography Equipment

- FTLA 2000 Infrared Spectrophotometer

- UV-Vis Spectrophotometer

- Bruker Daltonics Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometer

- Bruker Daltonics Amazon SL Ion Trap Mass Spectrometer

- Behavior analysis instrument: "video-tracking"

- Behavior and pain analysis instrument: rotarod, open field, analgesiometer

- Structure for clonning, expression and purification of proteins

- Thermo scientific series 8000 WJ CO2 greenhouse

- FlexStation (Molecular Device)

- FlexStation 3 (Molecular devices)

- Filtracom Laminar Flow;

- Laser Doppler blood flowmeter

- Guava® MUSE ® Cell Analyzer (Luminex)

- UltraCleaner unique ultrasonic cleaner

- Molecular Devices – Spectramax M5 Automated Microplate Reader

- High resolution TOF mass

- Inverted Biological Microscope

- Nikon-Eclipse Ts2 Inverted microscope coupled with 1 camera and 1 Philips 223V Led monitor

- NIKKON TS100, PlusMaze, Von Frei Inverted Phase Microscope;

- Nikon® - Eclipse Ts2 Inverted Optical Microscope

- Bioval Biological Microscope

- Nanalysis NMReader 60Pro;

- Gehaka PG1800 pH meter

- Anton-Paar Microwave Detector

- Hel Automated Reactor

- CEM Discover Microwave Detector

- Varian 400 MHz MR-400 and 500 MHz VNMRSYS500 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Instrument

- Nanalysis 60 MHz NMR-PRO Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (1H/13C-NMR)

- Bio-Rad RT-PCR

- System for assay in microplate, including multi-mode microplate reader

- System for high speed and high sensibility imaging microfluorimetry

- RT-PCR System

- Bio-Rad Trans-blot system; nanodrop lite spectrophotometer

- System of fluorescence microscope coupled with a computer and ultrasound for rodents

- Telemetry System for continuous hemodynamic parameter registry

- UV and White Light Photodocumentation System

- Nanospray Sepacore Automated Flash Chromatography

- SORVALL Ultracentrifuge (mod. 79008)

- BECKMAN Optima XE Ultracentrifuge

- IRMECO Ultrafreezer (ECU-4085-5)

- PANASONIC Ultrafreezer (MDF-U56V) 

- Glacier-Nuaire Ultrafreezer - 86 °C

- Infrared DIC Videomicroscope for electrophysiology registry

- Videomicroscope for intracellular calcium fluorimetry with fura-2

- Labnet Vortemp 56 




Talk to us:

Phone: +55 (21) 3938-6480


Student Administration Office e-mail:

Directions: Av. Carlos Chagas Filho, 373, Bloco L - CCS/UFRJ - Rio de Janeiro (RJ), CEP: 21941-902


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