International Symposium on Pharmacology and Medicinal Chemistry (ISPMeC)
The Simpósio Internacional em Farmacologia e Química Medicinal or International Symposium on Pharmacology and Medicinal Chemistry (ISPMeC) in English was created by the Graduate Program in Pharmacology and Medicinal Chemistry as one of its internationalization, creating a biennial forum of discussion, in English, on topics related to basic science and science applied to new drugs design, discovery, and development foi criado pelo Programa de Pós-Graduação em Farmacologia e Química Medicinal como uma de suas iniciativas de internacionalização, criando fórum bianual de discussão e atualização, cem porcento em língua inglesa, em tópicos relacionados as ciências básica e aplicada ao desenho, descoberta e desenvolvimento de novos fármacos.
1st ISPMeC:
ISPMeC first edition was organized by PPGFQM Faculty and it happened on november 17th, 2014. Many international specialists took part in the event, such as Professors David Thuston (King’s College of London) and Rob Leurs (Vrije Universty Amsterdam), alongside proeminent names of Brazilian Pharmacology, such as Professors Fernando de Queiroz Cunha (USP-RP) and Roberto Soares de Moura (IBRAG, UERJ), who was the first PPGFQM Coordinator.
2nd ISPMeC:
The Graduate Program in Pharmacology and Medicinal Chemistry (PPGFQM) of UFRJ’s Institute of Biomedical Sciences celebrated in 2019, completed 45 years since its creation. The International Symposium on Pharmacology and Medicinal Chemistry second edition took place between december 2nd and 3rd, 2019, in a commemorative atmosphere. Among the participants of the event were researchers from Yale, Dundee, San Francisco e Florida Universities and from Antibe Therapeutics. The future of Graduation in Brazil was the theme of round table discussions in the event.
A terceira edição do “International Symposium on Pharmacology and Medicinal Chemistry” (III ISPMeC) foi realizada integralmente na modalidade remota, devido as restrições impostas pela pandemia da COVID-19. Realizado nos dias 01, 02 e 03 de dezembro de 2021, o III ISPMeC contou com a participação dos pesquisadores: Dr. Stefan Laufer (Tübingen University, Germany); Dr. Thomas Spangenberg (Global Health Institute of Merck, UK); Dra Laura Heitman (Division of Drug Discovery and Safety, Leiden, Netherlands); Dr Mauro Perretti (William Harvey Research Institute, UK); Dr. Martin Walsh (Diamond Light Source (DLS), Oxfordshire, UK); Dr. Benjamin Perry (Drugs for Neglected Disease Initiative (DNDi), Switzerland); Rhian Touyz (Institut de recherche du Centre universitaire de santé McGill, Montreal, Canada) and Dr. Michael Stocks (University of Nottingham, UK). Maiores informações podem ser acessadas na página do evento
A quarta edição do “International Symposium on Pharmacology and Medicinal Chemistry” (IV ISPMeC) foi realizada integralmente na modalidade presencial (Fórum de Ciência e Cultura, Flamengo). Realizado nos dias 06 a 08 de dezembro de 2023, o IV ISPMeC contou com a participação dos pesquisadores: Dr. Stefan Laufer (Tübingen University, Germany); Dr. Lars Zender (Tübingen University, Germany); Dra. Nuria E. Campillo (Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), Madrid, ES.); Dra. Júlia Monteiro - Head of Drug Discovery at Eurofarma, Brazil.; Dr. Daniel K. Baeschlin - Executive Director High Throughput Biology at the Novartis Institutes for BioMedical Research (NIBR) in Basel, Switzerland; Dra. María José Dávila-Rodríguez - Life Sciences Solutions Consultant, Elsevie; Dra. Martina Schmidt - University of Groningen, Netherlands; Dra. Jane V. Aldrich - Department of Medicinal Chemistry, College of Pharmacy, University of Florida, USA; Dr. Anton Roks - Erasmus MC. Dept. of Internal Medicine, Vascular Aging Center, Erasmus University Rotterdam; Dr. Manu De Rycker - University of Dundee, UK e Dr. Ryuji Morizane - Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA. Maiores informações podem ser acessadas na página do evento (clicando aqui).
Confira também a apresentação do grupo de chorinho (Sôdade Brasilis - UFRJ) que ocorreu no encerramento do evento: