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Sergio H. Ferreira Prize - Best PPGFQM Doctoral Thesis





Laureated Theses

2019 - 9th Edition of "Sérgio Henrique Ferreira Prize for the Best Graduate Program in Pharmachology and Medicinal Chemistry Doctoral Thesis", Dr. Bruna Maria Castro Salomão Quaresma. Tutor: François Noël; Co-tutor: Cláudia Lúcia Martins da Silva. Thesis: Hiperplasia Prostática Benigna: revisitando aspectos farmacológicos e fisiopatológicos.


2018 - 8th Edition of "Sérgio Henrique Ferreira Prize for the Best Graduate Program in Pharmachology and Medicinal Chemistry Doctoral Thesis", Dr. Luis Eduardo Reina. Tutors: Lídia Moreira Lima and Eliezer J. Barreiro. Thesis: Desenho & Síntese de novos hipoglicemiantes inibidores de DPP4.

2017 - 7th Edition of "Sérgio Henrique Ferreira Prize for the Best Graduate Program in Pharmachology and Medicinal Chemistry Doctoral Thesis", Dr. Valdirene de Souza Muniz. Tutor: Josiane Sabbadini Neves. Thesis: Liberação etracelular de Redes de DNA por eosinófilos humanos em resposta ao fungo oportunista Aspergillus fumigatus.

2016 - 6th Edition of "Sérgio Henrique Ferreira Prize for the Best Graduate Program in Pharmachology and Medicinal Chemistry Doctoral Thesis", Dr. Daniel Nascimento Do Amaral. Tutors: Lídia Moreira Lima e Stefan A Laufer. Thesis: Descoberta de novos híbridos moleculares inibidores de EGFR e/ou VEGFR2.

2015 - 5th Edition of "Sérgio Henrique Ferreira Prize for the Best Graduate Program in Pharmachology and Medicinal Chemistry Doctoral Thesis", Dr. Carlos Eduardo da Silva Monteiro. Tutors: Roberto Takashi Sudo and Eliezer J. Barreiro. Thesis: Eficácia analgésica do novo agonista muscarínico (LASSBio-981) em modelos de dor aguda, crônica e tolerância antinociceptiva à morfina., Ano de obtenção: 2015.

2014 – 4th Edition of "Sérgio Henrique Ferreira Prize for the Best Graduate Program in Pharmachology and Medicinal Chemistry Doctoral Thesis", no thesis has been laureated.

2013 - 3rd Edition of "Sérgio Henrique Ferreira Prize for the Best Graduate Program in Pharmachology and Medicinal Chemistry Doctoral Thesis", Dr. Ariane Rennó Brogliato, Tutor: Claudia Farias Benjamim. Thesis: Avaliação da participação da via da 5-LO na cicatrização de feridas e as implicações no estresse oxidativo.

2012 - 2nd Edition of "Sérgio Henrique Ferreira Prize for the Best Graduate Program in Pharmachology and Medicinal Chemistry Doctoral Thesis", Dr. Tatiana Paula Teixeira Ferreira, Tutor: Patrícia Machado Rodrigues and Silva Martins. Thesis: Estudo do mecanismo de ação da proteína IL-13PE em camundongos silicóticos.

2011 - 1st Edition of "Sérgio Henrique Ferreira Prize for the Best Graduate Program in Pharmachology and Medicinal Chemistry Doctoral Thesis", Dr. Daniele Gabriel Costa, Tutors: Gisele Zapata Sudo and Roberto Takashi Sudo. Thesis: Melhora da Disfunção Ventricular Induzida pelo Infarto do Miocárdio Após o Tratamento com 3,4-metilenodioxibenzoil-2-tienilhidrazona (LASSBio-294).

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In 2011, PPGFQM instituted the Sérgio Henrique Ferreira Prize for the Best PPGFQM Doctoral Thesis, as a way of paying respect to one of the most celebrated Brazilian researchers and also a way to promote pioneer interdisciplinary research projects on pharmacology with direct impact on the development of new drug candidates. The creation of this Prize was blessed by Professor Sérgio H. Ferreira while he was still alive, who, on dec 20th 2011, lectured on a conference “Vivendo entre a Hipertensão e a Dor” (“Living between Hypertension and Pain”) during the 1st Edition of the Sérgio Henrique Ferreira Prize for best thesis of the Graduate Program in Pharmacology and Medicinal Chemistry. In this first edition, the winner was Dr Daniele Gabriel Costa and her tutors. The selection process that chooses the best PPGFQM thesis takes place annually since 2011. The best thesis is chosen by a body of independent and eminent researchers in the area of Pharmacology and Medicinal Chemistry.

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